Alan Thicke racconta aneddoti su Leo

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  1. *Pally*

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    All'indomani della scomparsa di Alan Thicke la giornalista ricorda di un' intervista fattagli mesi fa in occasione della vittoria agli Oscar di Leo.
    Intervistò diverse persone che avevano lavorato con Leo agli inizi della carriera, tra cui Joanna Kerns, che interpetava mamma Seaver. Lei le consigliò di parlare con Alan se voleva aneddoti. Tra l'altro nell'altro articolo anche Joanna ha raccontato cose interessanti ;)

    Alan era un uomo molto simpatico. Per quanto riguarda consigli sulla recitazione, diceva che può dare consigli a Leo tanto quanto può consigliare al figlio Robin su come fare hit da record. Poi aggiunge "un suggerimento? Vai su una nave".
    I primi due figli di Alan andavano a trovarlo sul set e divennero amici di Leo, ora vivono nella stessa zona e quindi nel corso degli anni gli è capitato di rivedere Leo quando il figlio Robin organizza feste.
    Secondo lui, Leo è comico e il mondo non sa quanto possa essere divertente. Gli sarebbe piaciuto vederlo in una commedia con Chris Rock o Will Farrell.
    Leo era timido, non sapeva come avvicinarsi ad una ragazza conosciuta sul set. Chiese a Alan come fare per avere il suo numero. Alan gli disse che al reparto costumi, attaccati al muro, c'erano i contatti di tutti in caso di necessità. Alan crede che grazie a quel consiglio molto utile, Leo debba a lui le sue attuali doti di socializzazione :lol:
    Infine fa dei gran complimenti a Leo. Di lui diceva che è un uomo coscienzioso, che lotta e ci mette la faccia per le cose in cui crede. Quando viene a sapere di qualche difficoltà degli attori del cast, chiama in caso abbiano bisogno di aiuto. "Onestamente ci sono dei giovani stronzi in questo ambiente. Sai per chi vuoi fare il tifo. Leo è uno di quelli per cui tutti facevano il tifo."

    I was sitting in a Panera in Nashville this past February when I received a phone call from a blocked number. I eyed it suspiciously. Earlier in the day, I had talked to “Growing Pains” star Joanna Kerns for a story about Leonardo DiCaprio’s humble beginnings, which included a stint on the 1980s sitcom. At one point, she paused.

    “You know who you should really talk to?” Kerns asked. “Alan.”

    Alan Thicke, of course, played Dr. Jason Seaver on the show, husband to Kerns’s character, Maggie. But I was on a tight deadline and doubted I could get Thicke on the phone so quickly. Still, I sent a brief email to Thicke’s manager explaining my interview request.

    About two hours later, just as I settled into a table at Panera during a break from a work conference, my phone rang. When I answered, a jovial voice boomed through the speaker: “This is Alan Thicke.”

    After news broke on Tuesday night that Thicke died at age 69, the tributes rolled in almost immediately. It’s clear he was beloved by many in Hollywood, and even after only talking to him for a 15-minute phone call, I got a glimpse of why. Not only was he a mix of charming and self-effacing, but his DiCaprio stories were so good that he gave me my opening anecdote and the kicker for my article. Months later, I still vividly remember the conversation — and here’s what stood out:

    * The dad jokes.

    Thicke has three kids of his own and played one of America’s most famous dads — and, fittingly, the dad jokes flew during our conversation. He spoke glowingly about DiCaprio, who starred on “Growing Pains” in 1991 as a homeless teen taken in by Thicke’s character’s family.

    “As far as what I taught him about acting … I can teach Leo [as much] about as acting as I can teach Robin Thicke about making big hit records!” Thicke said, referencing his son, also known as the “Blurred Lines” singer. Although Alan Thicke actually is a musician, he joked that the most valuable contribution he made to his son’s music career was to “fill out the publishing forms.”

    Of course, Thicke added, he had more acting advice for Leo, the future “Titanic” star: “Want a tip? Get on a ship!”

    * He and DiCaprio kept in touch.

    Thicke said his sons Robin and Brennan used to visit the “Growing Pains” set, and because they were around the same age as DiCaprio, they became friends. Years later, they all ended up living in the same neighborhood. “When I see Leo now, it’s usually at some rager that my son is throwing,” Thicke said. “We’ve all come kind of full circle that way.”

    * He had great DiCaprio stories.

    Thicke said DiCaprio is secretly hilarious. “I do believe the world hasn’t seen just how funny he can be,” Thicke said. “I’m anxious to see him in a movie with Will Ferrell or Chris Rock.”

    He also recalled the time that DiCaprio saw a cute girl on set but was too nervous to approach her. He asked Thicke, “How do I get her number?” Thicke helpfully pointed out that the wardrobe department posted everyone’s contact information on the wall (in case of a wardrobe emergency). “I was very helpful that way. I’m sure he feels he owes most of his adult social life to that tip,” Thicke said with a laugh.

    * He was candid.

    As our conversation wrapped up, Thicke emphasized that DiCaprio, despite anything people might read in the media, is a stand-up guy. “He’s socially conscious, he’s a crusader for things he believes in, he puts his money where his mouth is,” Thicke ticked off. “He’s the real thing.” Plus, he added, if DiCaprio ever heard that a “Growing Pains” cast member was going through something difficult, he would always call and ask how he could help.

    Thicke was also quite blunt — unusual for an interview with a celebrity. “Frankly, there are some young turds in the business,” Thicke said. “You kind of know who you want to root for. Leo is one of those guys everyone rooted for.”

  2.     +1   Like  

    Senior Member


    Bellissime parole e soprattutto cose a cui credo facilmente. Grazie Pally :wub:
  3. §Miss Leonardina§

    User deleted

    Parole molto belle :*_*:
  4. The Departed

    User deleted


    Thicke said DiCaprio is secretly hilarious. “I do believe the world hasn’t seen just how funny he can be,” Thicke said. “I’m anxious to see him in a movie with Will Ferrell or Chris Rock.”
    Noi siamo più ansiosi di te..
  5.     Like  



    Grazie Pally. Bellissima intervista! :*_*:
    Mi piacerebbe molto vedere Leo in un bel film comico. Spero lo faccia prima o poi. :D
  6.     Like  

    Senior Member


    CITAZIONE (The Departed @ 15/12/2016, 16:42) 

    Thicke said DiCaprio is secretly hilarious. “I do believe the world hasn’t seen just how funny he can be,” Thicke said. “I’m anxious to see him in a movie with Will Ferrell or Chris Rock.”
    Noi siamo più ansiosi di te..

    Anche se preferirei magari Bradley Cooper o Robert Downey Jr.. o se proprio vogliono quel genere, magari un altro film con Mark Wahlberg :D
  7. The Departed

    User deleted

    Può essere simile a "Una notte da leoni", a "Parto col folle", a "Daddy's Home", a "Horrible Bosses", a "Candidato a sorpresa", non fa differenza, li amo tutti :lol3:

    Comunque ho riletto meglio l'intervista, mi era sfuggita questa cosa:
    "Plus, he added, if DiCaprio ever heard that a “Growing Pains” cast member was going through something difficult, he would always call and ask how he could help." :wub:
  8. *Pally*

    User deleted

    L'ho anche tradotta quella frase Kia :lol: Ho tradotto tutte le parti salienti.

    Ho trovato anche un'intervista di Jeremy Miller. Mi sono sfuggite nel corso degli anni queste interviste del cast che parla di Leo.
  9. The Departed

    User deleted

    Mi sa che non l'avevo letta la traduzione, avevo letto tutto velocemente.
8 replies since 15/12/2016, 14:25   97 views