Tom Hardy si č fatto il tatuaggio di Leo

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    Come aveva promesso, in caso di eventuale nomina per The Revenant, Tom si sarebbe tatuato "Leo knows everything" grazie alla scommessa fatta con Leo. Questi giorni, grazie ad un selfie con un fan, si č avvistato il tanto atteso tatuaggio sul braccio.

    Tom Hardy Unveils 'Leo Knows All' Tattoo After Losing Bet to Leonardo DiCaprio

    Tom Hardy takes his best very seriously!

    The 40-year-old actor, who starred alongside Leonardo DiCaprio, 43, in the 2015 Academy Award-winning film The Revenant, got a tattoo on his right bicep that reads “LEO KNOWS ALL,” which was revealed on a fan-made Facebook page in a selfie Hardy took with one of his followers.

    The story behind Hardy’s hilarious permanent ink on his arm started almost three years ago, when DiCaprio and his co-star made a bet about award show nominations after starring in The Revenant together.

    “Tom and Leo made a bet — Leo believed that Tom’s portrayal was so awesome in The Revenant that he would be nominated for an award and Tom did not think he would be,” a source told PEOPLE.

    “[Hardy] was nominated. And afterwards, he got the tattoo ‘Leo knows all.’ It was a bit in homage to Leo,” the source continued.

    Hardy also explained the bet the two made during an interview with Esquire in 2016. “He wrote, in this really s—-y handwriting: ‘Leo knows everything,’” Hardy said. “Ha! I was like, ‘OK, I’ll get it done, but you have to write it properly.’” At the time, though, he said he was stalling on getting it “because it sucks.”

    Hardy earned a nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the film at the Academy Awards, but DiCaprio ultimately walked away with the big win of the evening: the award for Best Actor for his performance in The Revenant (his first Oscar win ever after six nominations).

    “The Revenant was a product of the tireless efforts of the incredible cast and crew I got to work alongside,” he said, thanking costar and “brother” Tom Hardy: “Tom, your fierce talent on the screen can only be surpassed by your friendship off screen.”


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    Captured a couple Pictures for @tomhardy today. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 he posts them. Regardless here’s an obligatory selfie

    Un post condiviso da Andrew Calisterio (@boozehoundcc) in data: <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2018-01-29T02:50:43+00:00">Gen 28, 2018 at 6:50 PST</time>

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